Click on Custom Check as the Check Condition
Create an executable trigger check script file e.g. /etc/config/
logger "A test script"
logger Argument 1 = $1
logger Argument 2 = $2
logger Argument 3 = $3
logger Argument 4 = $4
if [ -f /etc/config/customscr ipt.0 ]; then
rm /etc/config/customscript.0
exit 7
touch /etc/confi g/customscript.0
exit 1
Refer online FAQ f or a sample web page html check and other script file templates
Enter the Scr i p t E xecutable file name ( e.g. /etc/config/
Set the Check Frequency (i.e. the time in seconds between re-running the script) and the
Script Timeout (i.e. the maxim um run-time for the scri pt)
Specify the Successful Return Code. An Auto-Response is triggered if the return code f rom
the script is not thi s v al ue
Enter Arguments that are t o be passed to the script (e.g. with a web page html check script,
these Arguments might specify the web page address/DNS and user logi ns)
Check Save Auto-Response
7.2.7 SMS Command
An incoming SMS command from a nominated caller can trigger an Auto-Response:
Click on SMS Command as the Check Condition
Specify which Phone Number (in international format) of the phone sending t he SMS
Set the Incoming Message Pattern (PCRE re gul ar expression) to match t o create trigger
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