For more information on using chat (and pmchat) you should consult the UNIX man pages:
The pmusers command is used to query the portmanager for active user sessions.
Example: To detect which users are currently active on which serial ports:
# pmusers
This command will output nothing if there are no active users currently connected to any ports.
Otherwise, it will respond with a sorted list of usernames per active port:
Port 1:
Port 2:
Port 8:
The above output indicates that a user named “user1” is actively connected to ports 1 and 2, while
user2” is connected to both ports 1 and 8.
portmanager daemon
There is normally no need to stop and restart the daemon. To restart the daemon normally, just run the
# portmanager
Supported command line options are:
Force portmanager to run in the foreground: --nodaemon
Set the level of debug logging: --loglevel={debug,info,warn,error,alert}
Change which configuration file it uses: -c /etc/config/portmanager.conf
Sending a SIGHUP signal to the portmanager will cause it to re-read its configuration file
15.2.2 External Scripts and Alerts
The portmanager can execute external scripts on certain events.
When the portmanager opens a port:
- It attempts to execute /etc/config/scripts/portXX.init (where XX is the number of the port, e.g. 08).
The script is run with STDIN and STDOUT both connected to the serial port.
- If the script cannot be executed, then portmanager will execute /etc/config/scripts/ via
the chat command on the serial port.
When an alert occurs on a port:
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