Switch Configuration Screen
The following describes each field of the Switch Configuration screen:
Switch Address
Displays the MAC address of the switch.
Number of Ports
Displays the total number of switched ports on the
Type of STA (Selectable)
Allows the user to set the method that switches use to decide which switch is the controlling (Root) switch when two or more switches exist in parallel (Spanning Tree Algorithm). Valid selections are IEEE, DEC, and NONE. To set the STA, refer to Section 5.10.1.
Age Time (Modifiable)
Allows the user to set the amount of time (in seconds) that the
Port #
Lists each switched port on the device.
MAC Address
Displays the hardware address assigned to each listed port.
There are five states that can display in this field. These states are described as follows:
•Disabled: Management disabled this interface. No traffic is received or forwarded while the interface is disabled.
•Learning: The switch is learning the addresses on this interface. The switch enters the learning state when the Transparent Database is created (during