C H A P T E R 3
Configuring SVCs, PVCs,
Soft PVCs, PVPs, and
VP Tunnels
This chapter describes how to configure switched virtual circuits (SVCs), permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), soft PVCs, permanent virtual paths (PVPs), and VP tunnels, and includes the following sections:
Configuring SVCs
Configuring PVCs
Configuring Soft PVCs
Configuring PVPs
Configuring VP Tunnels
Note For more software configuration information, refer to the ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide. Refer to the ATM Switch Router Command Reference publication for command syntax.
Configuring SVCs
An SVC is a logical connection established using signaling messages, which reduces the amount of manual configuration required. SVCs are established on demand and torn down when a release message is generated either by signaling messages or by the application.
On the ATM switch router, no configuration is necessary to set up a transit SVC (an SVC that does not terminate on the ATM switch router). The signaling channels are set up by default and do not require manual configuration.
Configuring SVCs, PVCs, SoftPVCs, PVPs, and VPTunnels