Configuring the LECS
Configuring the LECS
This section describes how to configure the LECS, and includes the following procedures:
Configuring the ATM Address of the LECS
Configuring the LECS Database
You must configure the ATM address of the LECS on the ATM switch router.
Configuring the ATM Address of the LECS
The ATM switch router comes with a default unique prefix. To see the default prefix, enter the show lane default atm address command. You can use the default prefix or assign a new one. If you want to use the default prefix, skip this section and proceed to the next section.
This section describes how to change the default prefix and configure a new one. All attached LANE entities use the prefix to create their own ATM network service access point (NSAP) addresses.
Take these steps:
Step Command
1Switch> enable Switch#
2Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)#
3Switch(config)# interface atm 0
4Switch(config)# atm lecs-address lecsaddress
5Switch(config)# atm
Enter privileged EXEC mode.
Enter global configuration mode.
Select the ATM interface on the processor card (CPU).
Configure the LECS address on the ATM switch router.
Configure a redundant LECS address and sequence number for the entire switch. The sequence number specifies the order of the address in the LECS address table. If you do not specify a sequence number, the addresses are used in the order entered.