•a = 6: Sets printing speed to the value specified by (nL + nH ⋅ 256).
(nL + nH ⋅ 256) | Printing Speed |
1 | Printing speed level 1 (84%) |
2 | Printing speed level 2 (86%) |
3 | Printing speed level 3 (88%) |
4 | Printing speed level 4 (90%) |
5 | Printing speed level 5 (92%) |
6 | Printing speed level 6 (94%) |
7 | Printing speed level 7 (96%) |
8 | Printing speed level 8 (98%) |
9 (Default) | Printing speed level 9 (100%) |
•a = 97: Sets the number of divisions for conducting head specified by (nL + nH ⋅ 256).
(nL + nH ⋅ 256) | No. of Divisions for Conducting Head |
2 (Default) | |
4 | |
•a = 116: Sets the paper specified by (nL + nH ⋅ 256).
(nL + nH ⋅ 256) | Paper |
1 (Default) | Specified single color paper. |
257 | Recommended |
•a = 201: Outputs ACK to the position specified by (nL + nH ⋅ 256).
(nL + nH ⋅ 256) | ACK Output Position |
1 (Default) | |
2 | |
3 |
•a = 202: Controls input buffer full Busy with the value selected by (nL + nH ⋅ 256) and controls Busy with output/cancel timing (remaining capacity).
(nL + nH ⋅ 256) | When Input Buffer Capacity | When Input Buffer Capacity | ||
“Small” is Set | 4K Bytes (Large) is Set | |||
| Output | Cancel | Output | Cancel |
1 | 16 | 26 | 128 | 256 |
2 | 16 | 40 | 128 | 512 |
3 | 30 | 50 | 72 | 256 |
4 | 30 | 60 | 72 | 512 |
•XON/XOFF is also output by the establishment of conditions.
•Ignores the data received when input buffer idle capacity is 0.
•This function operates only in printer function setting mode.
•The value changed by this command is enabled by the following.
•Execution of function 2 (fn = 2: End of printer function setting mode) (Recommended)
•Reentering power supply.
•Hardware resetting by reset terminal
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