Section 3 - Software Configuration
IPv6 Connection Type: Static IPv6
In the following section we’ll discuss the parameters that can be configured when setting up an Static IPv6 connection. This mode is used when your ISP provides you with a set IPv6 addresses that does not change. The IPv6 information is manually entered in your IPv6 configuration settings. You must enter the IPv6 address, Subnet Prefix Length, Default Gateway, Primary DNS Server, and Secondary DNS Server. Your ISP provides you with all this information.
The following parameters will be available for configuration:
on the LAN side.
IPv6 Address: Enter the WAN IPv6 address for the router here.
Subnet Prefix
Default Enter the WAN default gateway IPv6 address used
Gateway: here.
Primary DNS Enter the WAN primary DNS Server address used
Server: here.
Secondary DNS Enter the WAN secondary DNS Server address used
Servers: here.
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