a list of fonts, 2-11selecting
administrative security settings, 5-9 MaiLinX alerts, 5-14
Embedded Web Server status notification, 5-14
setting the printer’s IP address dynamically, 3-6
setting up web browser-based printing system, 3-10
troubleshooting print-quality problems, 3-10
usage profile reports, 5-13
viewing list of networked printers, 3-10 enabling AutoIP on the printer, 3-6 enabling DHCP on the printer, 3-6Envelope Tray
printer option, 2-6envelopes
guidelines, 4-38
loading in Envelope Tray, 4-40 loading in Tray 1 (MPT), 4-39 preventing wrinkling problems, 4-38 printing, 4-38
storage, 4-38
wrinkling or embossing, 4-38 error and warning messages, 6-70 error messages, 6-70
Ethernet connection, 3-3 extension cord, 1-2
printer configurations, 2-5fonts
downloading, 2-10
printing a list from the control panel, 2-11
printing a list from the Embedded Web Server, 2-11
printing font samples, 2-11 supplement resident fonts, 2-10
getting help
technical support, 2-12 ground connection terminal, 1-2guidelines
envelopes, 4-38 labels, 4-43
moving the printer, 7-4 paper storage, 4-3 postcards, 4-41 printing envelopes, 4-38 supported papers, 4-2 transparencies, 4-35
hard drive
printer option, 2-6 hardware failures, 6-70help
resources, 2-12 Help button in driver, 4-32
Help button on control panel, 6-69 hole puncher, 4-54
emptying punch waste box, 4-55 using, 4-54
HTTPS configuring, 5-10
about your printer, 2-12 information pages, 2-12 Installation Guide, 2-12 on control panel, 2-8
printer management tools, 2-12 Quick Use Guide, 2-12 resources, 2-12
technical support, 2-12 video tutorials, 2-12 web links, 2-12
information pages, 2-8,2-9 Menu Map, 2-9 Paper Tips page, 4-4 printing, 2-9