Resetting the TCP/IP Configuration
Use the following procedure at the control panel to reset the TCP/IP configuration to the default settings:
1.Select Printer Setup, and then press the OK button.
2.Select Connection Setup, and then press the OK button.
3.Select Reset Connection Setup, and then press the OK button.
Setting the Interface ID
■The default is to have the Interface ID automatically computed from the MAC address associated with the interface. The ID is different for each device. This is the recommended method for setting the Interface ID.
■The other option is to manually set the interface ID. The Interface ID must be 64 bits (8 bytes) in length, and must not contain special characters other than colons or valid hexadecimal digits (0 through 9, a through f, or A through F).
Note: If you change the Interface ID, you will be prompted to reset the printer before the changes take effect.
The Interface ID can only be set in EWS.
Using the Embedded Web Server
To set the Interface ID using EWS:
1.Launch your web browser.
2.Enter your printer’s IP address in the browser’s Address field.
3.Click Properties.
4.Select the Protocols folder on the left navigation panel, and then click TCP/IP.
5.Click the TCP/IP (v6) button.
6.Do one of the following:
■Select User Interface ID from MAC address.
■Select Use this Interface ID.
7.Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.