PIO — programmed input/output — A method of transferring data between two devices through the processor as part of the data path.
pixel — A single point on a display screen. Pixels are arranged in rows and columns to create an image. A video resolution, such as 800 x 600, is expressed as the number of pixels across by the number of pixels up and down.
processor — A computer chip that interprets and executes program instructions. Sometimes the processor is referred to as the CPU (central processing unit).
PS/2 — personal system/2 — A type of connector for attaching a
RAID — redundant array of independent disks — A method of providing data redundancy. Some common implementations of RAID include RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10, and RAID 50.
readme file — A text file included with a software package or hardware product. Typically, readme files provide installation information and describe new product enhancements or corrections that have not yet been documented.
•It resides on a physically
•It is located on a network in a directory and the system administrator has assigned rights only to specific individuals.