2.Enter the number of polls that must entirely fail before the redundant circuit
switches to the next backup port, then click . The range is
If you are polling devices that are some distance from the IRM2, or if your network is somewhat slow, be sure to set your polling interval and/or number of retries accordingly to avoid the unnecessary use of backup ports.
If your primary port should fail and traffic is switched to a backup port, that backup port will remain the active port unless it, too, fails, or until the primary port is repaired and the circuits are tested. See Testing the Circuits, page
Activating the Circuit
Once you have defined all port paths for a circuit, designated the device addresses to poll, and set the appropriate polling interval and number of retries, you can activate the circuit.
The activation criteria for a circuit are:
•You must have at least two ports associated with the circuit: one as Primary, and at least one as Backup
•You must have at least one address entered in the Polled Addresses list
To activate the circuit:
1.Use the
2.Click Configure, and drag down to Enable to activate the currently selected circuit. The defined redundancy scheme for that circuit will take effect, and the displayed status for the selected circuit will change to Enabled.
3.Make all physical connections to your defined backup ports. Backup ports are automatically disabled by management once a redundant circuit has been enabled, and will not be
While redundancy is in effect, the Redundancy mode of the Chassis View window will display the current active port in green; backup ports and failed ports will both display in gray.
Activating the Circuit |