UART Settings
4)Check the Data Bits setting of the device you are connecting to the Ethernet Adapter. Choose the Data Bits setting that matches the Data Bits setting of the device you are connecting to the Ethernet Adapter. Data Bits determine the number of bits used to transmit data. The possible values are 7 and 8.
5)Check the Stop Bits setting of the device you are connecting to the Ethernet Adapter. Choose the Stop Bits setting that matches the Stop Bits setting of the device you are connecting to the Ethernet Adapter. Stop Bits determine the number of bits used to represent an end of a character. The value can be 1 or 2.
6)Check the Parity Bit setting of the device you are connecting to the Ethernet Adapter. Choose the Parity Bit setting that matches the Parity Bit setting of the device you are connecting to the Ethernet Adapter. They parity bit is used to check for correct data transmission. Options are: none, even, and odd.