Establishing a Direct Serial Connection
Establishing a Direct Serial Connection
This method of configuring and managing an Ethernet Adapter uses a serial cable connected from the Ethernet Adapter to a computer running terminal emulation software.
To configure the Ethernet Adapter using the Hyperterminal program, perform the following steps.
1)Follow the Hardware Installation instructions numbered
2)Connect the included serial cable into your computer’s serial port.
The PC’s COM port you plugged this cable into. Plug the opposite end of the serial cable into the serial port on the Ethernet Adapter.
3)On your desktop, click on the Start icon.
Select Programs-->Accessories-->Hyperterminal.
The Connection Description screen appears. This screen allows you to insert a connection name into the Name field. This name can be any alphanumeric combination.
5)The Connection Description screen contains a field entitled Icon. Do not change the default settings.
6)Click OK to proceed using Hyperterminal. Use the CANCEL button to terminate Hyperterminal.
The Phone Number screen appears. The fields Country Code, Area Code, and Phone Number should be blank by default. Do not change the default settings.
7)In the Connect Using field, choose the COM port that you plugged the RS- 232 cable into from the
8)Click OK. The COMx Settings screen appears.
9)Select 9600 in the field labeled Bits per second. Leave the default of 8 selected for the Data Bits field. Parity should be left at its default of None. Stop bits should be left at its default of 1.