

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standardized coding system for assigning numerical codes to letters and symbols.

auto line feed

When this setting is turned on using the default-setting mode or the EPSON Remote! utility, each carriage return (CR) code is automatically followed by a line feed (LF) code.

bidirectional printing

Printing in which the print head prints in both directions (bidirectionally). This increases the print speed but may reduce precise vertical alignment. Bidirectional printing is the printer’s standard printing mode. See also unidirectional printing.


The portion of the printer’s memory used to store data before it is printed.

character table

A collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that constitute the set of characters used in a particular language.

characters per inch (cpi)

A measure of the size of text characters. See also pitch.

continuous paper

Paper that has sprocket-feed holes on both sides, is perforated between pages, and is supplied in a folded stack. Also called fanfold paper.

control code

A special code used to control a printer function such as a carriage return or line feed.


See characters per inch.

cut-sheet feeder

An optional, detachable device that automatically feeds single sheets of paper into the printer.

data dump See hex dump.


A value or setting that takes effect when the equipment is turned on, reset, or initialized. Also known as a factory setting.

Glossary 1