In the folder C:\Windows\Inf have been deleted. If this is not the case, please remove also these two files.
Please note, that the folder C:\Windows\Inf may be hidden. To confirm the above given two files and
remove them, please select from the menu bar of the [Explorer] - [Tools] - [Folder Options...] and select then the [View] tab. In this tab, please check if the checkbox of [Show hidden files and folders] under [Hidden files and folders] is marked. After marking this checkbox and applying the setting, the hidden
C:\Windows\Inf folder becomes visible and you can check if the fi5110e.INT and fi5110e.PNF files are existing. If they do, please remove them.
-After removing the above given folders (files), restart your computer with ScanSnap disconnected.
-Reinstall ScanSnap Manager and restart.
*3) To confirm whether the scanner is connected with USB1.1 or USB2.0,
* Visit our Web site for your reference. Other useful information will be posted on the FAQ corner at the following Web site.
4.2. Clearing Paper Jams
1.Open the ADF while pulling the Cover open lever.
2.Remove the jammed document.
3.Close the ADF cover.
ADF cover
Cover open lever
ÖYou should hear the ADF cover click into position when it returns to its original position.