68K System Monitor
User's Guide GE Energy Services
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
Full Release 1-3
Command Input and Response
Input to the 68K
Input to the 68K Monitor is read from the ‘connected’ application / subsystem. The
input takes the form of user-entered commands.
Command Line
The 68K Monitor accepts a command line:
that is no longer than 80 characters, and
consists of no more than 16 separate words or symbols.
The definition of a word or string is one or more characters separated by one
or more spaces.
Input may be either upper or lower case, except where noted.
Input may be either upper- or lower-case.
The format of all commands is as follows:
<command_name> < parameters arguments>
command_name is one of the recognized commands, and
parameter arguments are an optional list of command parameters.
You must format these commands in a definite way or syntax. You must understand
command syntax to understand detailed command descriptions in the following
List of
This tables lists some of the characters used in command syntax:
Character Name Description
/ switch identifies that the character following it affects
the type of processing performed by the
[ ] square brackets any arguments listed within them are optional
parameters that the command may use but does
not require
| OR symbol only one of several consecutive arguments listed
within parenthesis “( )” is to be used
( ) multiple
when not separated by the OR “|” character
means that if one of the arguments is used, they
must all be used
Continued on next page