The Node Menu shows the node ID and topology.
Main -> Local -> Node -> ID
Node Menu
1. ID - 3
2.Type - Linear
3.Load Defaults
Every Phoenix node (i.e. chassis) in a system must have a unique node ID number.
The node ID is set to zero the first time a Phoenix chassis is switched on, or if you Load Defaults. Zero is an invalid node ID; it must be a number between 1 and 255.
Once set, the node ID will be remembered if the chassis loses power.
The ID will increment by one if you press "+". Similarly, the ID will decrement by one if you press
Main -> Local -> Node -> Topology
Topology Menu
1. Linear
2. Self Healing Ring
In order for a Phoenix chassis to route information over its fiber links correctly, it must know the topology of the entire system. A chassis can be part of either a Linear or
Once set, the topology will be remembered if power to the chassis is lost.
Select the topology of the system from the menu’s choices: Linear and
If you chose Linear then you are returned to the Node Menu after you confirm your selection. If you chose