
Standard Printer Font Examples

Figure 21. Standard Printer Font Examples

Optional Printer Fonts

There are many optional character fonts that can be purchased for your XiII printer in addition to those which are standard in the unit. From time to time, additions may be made to the list of available fonts. Contact your sales representative for further information.

Only one additional font EPROM can be installed in the printer at a time. This installation should be performed by a service technician. Once installed, this font can be used in addition to the standard fonts available in the printer. Refer to your ZPL II Programming Guide or, if using another software package to drive your printer, to the instructions accompanying that package.

Optional fonts may also be stored on PCMCIA font cards.

Once an optional font is installed in the printer, the Configuration Printout produced during the Cancel Key Self Test will indicate the font type as the “Socket 1 ID”.

Figure 23 illustrates the optional fonts and Figure 22 shows sample point sizes for the bitmap smooth fonts


Zebra XiII Printer User’s Guide