Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

Table 6. Troubleshooting (Continued)






Print a Communications Diagnostic


Communications parameters are

label. Check for Format or Overrun



Errors. Reset Communication

A label format was sent to


Parameters (see page 42).




Set the characters in the printer to

the printer but not recog-



match the label format. See “Select-

nized. Data light flashes but


Prefix and delimiter characters set

ing Prefix and Delimiter Characters”

no printing occurs.

in printer do not match the ones

on page 42.



used in the label format.

If the problem continues, check the



ZPL II format for changed ^CC,



^CT, and ^CD commands.




A batch of labels was sent.



Several labels print then


Check for proper flow control set-

printer skips, misplaces,

Buffer is overfilling.

ting. Refer to “Configuration and

misses, or distorts the print-


Calibration” in Chapter 2.

ing on the labels.







Zebra XiII Printer User’s Guide