
To enable or disable MicroPDF417, scan the appropriate bar code below.

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Code 128 Emulation

To enable or disable Code 128 Emulation, scan the appropriate bar code below.

Enable Code 128 Emulation

* Disable Code 128 Emulation

When this parameter is enabled, the scanner transmits data from certain MicroPDF417 symbols as if it was encoded in Code 128 symbols. Transmit AIM Symbology Identifiers must be enabled for this parameter to work.

If Code 128 Emulation is enabled, these MicroPDF417 symbols are transmitted with one of the following prefixes:

]C1 if the first codeword is 903-907, 912, 914, 915

]C2 if the first codeword is 908 or 909

]C0 if the first codeword is 910 or 911

If disabled, they are transmitted with one of the following prefixes:

]L3 if the first codeword is 903-907, 912, 914, 915

]L4 if the first codeword is 908 or 909

]L5 if the first codeword is 910 or 911

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