Connecting the Ring Device Cable

1.Slip the ring cable connector through the elastic ring cable guide on the side of the Bluetooth module sleeve. The con- nector can be inserted from the left or the right.

1.Choose the same side as the finger that will be wearing the ring. The ring cable guides are designed to minimize exces- sive pulling or tugging on the scanner cable after the ring device is connected to the Bluetooth module.

2.Press the connector firmly into the I/O port. If there is a battery in the module the Bluetooth module LED illuminates and the module beeps, signifying a ring cable I/O secure connection.

To remove the ring device cable, pinch and pull the cable connector straight up and away from the Bluetooth module.

Do not pull the cable when removing the ring device cable from the Bluetooth Ring Scanner module.

Inserting the Battery

The battery is spring loaded and will slide out when the battery cover latch is opened. As soon as the battery contacts lose connection with the battery terminals in the battery bay, the Bluetooth module turns Off. When a battery is in the module, the battery slides out of the battery bay far enough to be grasped and removed. Do not use a metal object, or extreme force, to remove a battery from the module.

Note: A ring should be connected to the module before a battery is inserted in the module.

1.To open the battery bay door on the Bluetooth Ring Scanner module, orient the module so the LED on the module is facing upward.

2.Slide the battery bay latch to the right. The battery bay cover springs open.

3.Insert a fully charged battery into the battery bay, making sure the battery terminals enter the battery bay at the right side of the battery opening. Use the direction of the arrow on the battery label as a guide.

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