Code 11

When enabled, Code 11 symbols will be scanned, decoded and transmitted.

Set this parameter by scanning either of the bar codes shown below.

Enable Code 11

* Disable Code 11

Set Lengths for Code 11

L1 Default: 4 L2 Default: 55

Lengths for Code 11 may be set for:

any length,

one or two discrete lengths,

or lengths within a specific range.

The length of a code refers to the number of characters, including check digits, the code contains. It also includes any start or stop characters.

See the table titled ASCII Character Equivalents (page 9-2).

One Discrete Length (Parameter L1)

This option decodes only those codes containing a selected length. For example, when you want to scan only Code 11 symbols containing 14 characters, scan the “Code 11 One Discrete Length” bar code and then “1” and “4” bar codes using the Imager Keypad Number Symbols (page 5-81).

To begin setting one discrete length, scan this Code 11 One Discrete Length bar code:

Next, scan two numeric bar codes that correspond to the desired value. Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. To correct an error or to change a selection, scan Cancel on the “Imager Keypad Number Symbols” page.

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