Accessing the CLI online help

The CLI online help is context sensitive. You can enter a question mark at any prompt or in any position of a command to display all available options.

To access the CLI online help, use one of the following methods:

Enter a question mark at a view prompt to display the first keyword of every command available in the view. For example:




User view





Specify archive settings



Backup next startup-configuration file to TFTP server


Set boot loader



Update/read/backup/restore bootrom



Change current directory

Enter a space and a question mark after a command keyword to display all available, subsequent keywords and arguments.

{If you type a question mark in place of a keyword, the CLI displays all possible keyword matches with a brief description for each keyword. For example:

<Sysname> terminal ?


Send debug information to terminal


Send log information to terminal


Send information output to current terminal


Send trap information to terminal

{If you type a question mark in place of an argument, the CLI displays the description of this argument. For example:

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface ? <1-4094> VLAN interface number [Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1 ?


[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1

The string <cr> indicates that the command is complete, and you can press Enter to execute the command.

Enter an incomplete keyword string followed by a question mark to display all keywords starting with the string. For example:

<Sysname> f? fdisk fixdisk format free ftp

<Sysname> display ftp? ftp

ftp-server ftp-user


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HP 200 Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance manual Accessing the CLI online help