#Create a PKI domain, specify the trusted CA as
[Firewall] pki domain 1
# Create RSA local key pairs.
# Retrieve the CA certificate from the certificate issuing server.
[Firewall] pki
# Request a local certificate from a CA through SCEP for the firewall.
[Firewall] pki
#Create an SSL server policy myssl, specify PKI domain 1 for the SSL server policy, and enable
[Firewall] ssl
#Create a certificate attribute group mygroup1, and configure a certificate attribute rule, specifying that the distinguished name in the subject name includes the string of
[Firewall] pki certificate
#Create a certificate
[Firewall] pki certificate
# Associate the HTTPS service with SSL server policy myssl.
[Firewall] ip https
# Associate the HTTPS service with certificate
[Firewall] ip https certificate
# Enable the HTTPS service.
[Firewall] ip https enable
#Create a local user named usera, set the password to 123, specify the Web service type, and specify the user privilege level 3. A
2.Configure the host (HTTPS client):