consumables availability 118

life expectancies 101 ordering 3

part numbers 24 recycling 117 specifications 114 status lights 15, 72 status page, printing 57

status, viewing with embedded Web server 61 continuable attention errors 76, 77

contracts, maintenance 108, 118 control panel

accessory error lights 79 consumables status 72

lights and buttons, description 15

lights and messages, troubleshooting 71 printer status lights 75

secondary printer status lights 77 viewing with embedded Web server 60

Courier font 96 covers, document

cardstock, printing on 42, 46 paper specifications 125 using different paper for 41

covers, printer 13

creases, troubleshooting 85 crooked pages 85

curl, troubleshooting 84, 94 custom paper sizes 39, 46 customer support

HP Express Exchange 109 maintenance agreements 108, 118 repacking printer 110

service information form 111 telephone and online 3

Cyan cartridge

See also cartridges

empty or missing, light messages 73 life expectancy 101

low 72 non-HP 74 part number 24 status light 15, 72


declaration of conformity 120 default settings, restoring 41 deleting print jobs 49 Demo page, printing 56 Detail halftone option 52 Device tab, Toolbox 58 diagnostics pages 59 different first page 41

digital cameras, color matching 53 dimensions, media. See sizes, media dimensions, printer 114

DIMMs adding 134 enabling 138 font, settings 94 installing 135 part numbers 24 slot errors 79 verifying installation 137

documentation 25, 58 Documentation tab, Toolbox 58

dots per inch (dpi)

HP ImageREt 2400 50 settings 41 specifications 11 troubleshooting print quality 80

dots, troubleshooting 82 double-sided printing 48 downloading drivers 21 dpi (dots per inch)

HP ImageREt 2400 50 settings 41 specifications 11 troubleshooting print quality 80

drivers downloading 21 features 38 Macintosh 20 opening 34

operating systems supported 17 restoring default settings 41 settings, changing 37 uninstalling 22

Windows, features 18 dropouts, troubleshooting 82 drum, imaging

empty, light messages 73 life expectancy 101

low 72 non-HP 74 ordering 3 part number 24 status light 15

duplexing 48


Edge Control 52 EIO port errors 79 electrical specifications 114 e-mail alerts 61 embedded Web server

operating systems supported 17 toner level, checking from 102 using 60

viewing with HP Printer Status and Alerts 63 energy consumption 114, 116

engine errors 77 engine, cleaning 99 enlarging documents 40 envelopes

output path 42 printing 43 specifications 125, 130

environmental features 116

paper specifications 129 printer specifications 115 EPS files, troubleshooting 97

error messages accessory 79 consumables status lights 72

HP Printer Status and Alerts 63 Macintosh 89

printer status 75 secondary, printer status 77

viewing with embedded Web server 60 Windows 89

event log, viewing 61 expansion, memory 134 Explorer, versions supported 58

142 Index


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