KX p


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Enters the equation.




%ª1%:. 22.


 )Checksum and length.

Cancels Equation mode.

Now, solve to find the root.

Keys: Display:Description:

2.3 HX 2.7 ) 

Your initial guesses for the root.



{G %ª1%:. 22.Selects Equation mode; displays the equation.



Calculates the root using guesses



that bracket 6 .


8  8  8 )f(x) is relatively large.

There is a pole between the final estimates. The initial guesses yielded opposite signs for f(x), and the interval between successive estimates was narrowed until two neighbors were found. Unfortunately, these neighbors made f(x) approach a pole instead of the x–axis. The function does have roots at –2 and 3, which can be found by entering better guesses.

When SOLVE Cannot Find Root

Sometimes SOLVE fails to find a root. The following conditions cause the message  ! :

The search terminates near a local minimum or maximum (see figure a, below). If the ending value of f(x) (stored in the Z–register) is relatively close to zero, it is possible that a root has been found; the number stored in the unknown variable might be a 12–digit number very close to a theoretical root.


More about Solving

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm