Base Conversions and Arithmetic and Logic

The BASE menu () allows you to enter numbers and force the display of numbers in decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal base.

The LOGIC menu(>) provides access to logic functions.





Menu label





Decimal mode. This is the normal calculator mode


Hexadecimal mode. The HEX annunciator is displayed


when this mode is active. Numbers are displayed in


hexadecimal format. In RPN mode, the keys , ,


, , and act as shortcut to enter the


digits A to F. In ALG mode, press A, B, C, D, E or F


to enter the digits A to F.


Octal mode. The OCT annunciator is displayed when this


mode is active. Numbers are displayed in Octal format.


Binary mode. The BIN annunciator is displayed when


this mode is active. Numbers are displayed in Binary


format. If a number has more than 12 digits, the Õ


and Ökeys allow to view the full number (See


"Windows for Long Binary Numbers" later in this chapter.)

placed at the end of a number means that this number is a


decimal number

placed at the end of a number means that this number is


an hexadecimal number. To enter an hexadecimal


number, type the number followed by “”