finds PRGM TOP 13-6, 13-21, 14- 6

finds program labels 13-10, 13- 22, 14-5

finds program lines 13-22, 14-5 gamma function 4-15

go to. See GTO

grads (angle units) 4-4, A-2 Grandma Hinkle 12-7 Greatest integer 4-18

grouped standard deviation 16-18 GTO 14-4, 14-17

guesses (for SOLVE) 7-2, 7-7, 7-8, 7- 12, 15-6


help about calculator A-1 HEX annunciator 11-1 hex numbers. See numbers

arithmetic 11-4 converting to 11-2 range of 11-7 typing 11-1

hexadecimal numbers. See hex numbers

Horner's method 13-26 humidity limits for calculator A-2 hyperbolic functions 4-6, C-6


i 3-9, 14-20

(i) 14-20, 14-21, 14-23

imaginary part (complex numbers) 9-1, C-8

indirect addressing 14-20, 14-21, 14- 23


always prompts 14-11 entering program data 13-12 in integration programs 15-8 in SOLVE programs 15-2 responding to 13-14

integer-part function 4-17 integration

accuracy 8-2, 8-6, E-1

difficult functions E-2, E-7 display format 8-2, 8-6, 8-7 evaluating programs 15-7 how it works E-1

in programs 15-10

limits of 8-2, 15-8, C-8, E-7 memory usage 8-2 purpose 8-1

restrictions 15-11 results on stack 8-2, 8-6 stopping 8-2, 15-8 subintervals E-7

time required 8-6, E-7 transforming variables E-9 uncertainty of result 8-2, 8-6, E-2 using 8-2, C-8

variable of 8-2, C-8 intercept (curve-fit) 12-8, 16-1 interest (finance) 17-3 intermediate results 2-12 inverse function 9-3

inverse hyperbolic functions 4-6 inverse trigonometric functions 4-4, C-6 inverse-normal distribution 16-11 ISG 14-18


j 3-9, 14-20, 14-21

(j) 14-20



alpha 1-3 letters 1-3 shifted 1-3


LAST X register 2-8, B-6 LASTx function 2-8 lender (finance) 17-1 length conversions 4-14 letter keys 1-3

limits of integration 8-2, 15-8, C-8 linear regression (estimation) 12-8, 16-


logarithmic curve fitting 16-1


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HP 35s Scientific manual Index-5