Parts of numbers

To calculate:

The integer part of 2.47

The fractional part of 2.47

The absolute value of –7

The sign value of 9

The greatest integer equal to or less than –5.3

Press:Display: () 

  () 

 

 



 () 

 

Reviewing the Stack

The or key produces a menu in the display— X–, Y–, Z–, T–registers, to let you review the entire contents of the stack. The difference between the and the key is the location of the underline in the display. Pressing the

displays the underline on the T register; pressing the displays the underline on the Y register.

Pressing displays the following menu:

    value

Pressing displays the following menu:

    value

You can press and (along with Õor Ö) to review the entire contents of the stack and recall them. They will appear as , ,  or  depending on which part of the stacked was recalled and may be used in further calculations.

ALG: Summary C-7