To Calculate:Press:



Natural logarithm (base e)


Common logarithm (base 10)


Natural exponential


Common exponential (antilogarithm)




￿Quotient and Remainder of Division

You can use ()and () to produce the integer quotient and integer remainder, respectively, from the division of two integers.

1.Key in the first integer.

2.Press to separate the first number from the second.

3.Key in the second number. (Do not press .)

4.Press the function key.


To display the quotient and remainder produced by 58 9




 

Displays the quotient.




 

Displays the remainder.




￿Power Functions

In RPN mode, to calculate a number y raised to a power x, key in y x, then press . (For y>0, x can be any number; for y<0, x must be positive.)