A “Non-System Disk” error occurred.
If you have a diskette in the drive, remove the diskette, and then press any key to continue.
I need more space on my hard disk.
•Run a hard disk space check to find out exactly how much space you have. See “Using System Tools” on page 4.
•You can defragment your hard disk. That is, you can rearrange your current files so that they are packed in together and any little storage spaces between them are removed to make empty space on the hard disk. Results will vary. See “Using System Tools” on page 4.
My computer is taking longer to start up than it did before.
•Before turning off the computer, make sure there isn’t a CD in the drive, so that the computer won’t have to spend time checking it the next time you turn on the system.
•You don’t have to wait for the virus scan each time. Press the Spacebar to skip the scan. (Don’t skip it all of the time; you should run a virus scan occasionally.)
•Your disk may need to be defragmented. See “Using System Tools” on page 4.
12Getting Help