System Setup
Use these system settings to configure miscellaneous print settings. These settings are not available on the control panel.
NOTE: You must click Apply before your changes take effect.
Print Settings
The HP ToolboxFX Print Settings tab contains links to the following main pages:
●Printing. Change the default product print settings, such as number of copies and paper orientation.
●PCL5c. View and change the PCL5c settings.
●PostScript. View and change the PS settings.
Use these options to configure the settings for all print functions. These are the same options that are available on the control panel.
NOTE: You must click Apply before your changes take effect.
Use these options to configure the settings when you are using the PCL print personality.
NOTE: You must click Apply before your changes take effect.
Use this option when you are using the PostScript print personality. When the Print PostScript error option is turned on, the PostScript error page automatically prints when PostScript errors occur.
NOTE: You must click Apply before your changes take effect.
Network Settings
The network administrator can use this tab to control the
NOTE: You cannot configure wireless network settings by using HP ToolboxFX.
Shop for Supplies
This button, at the top of each page, links to a Web site where you can order replacement supplies. You must have Internet access to use this feature.
Other Links
This section contains links that connect you to the Internet. You must have Internet access to use any of these links. If you use a
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