excluded from the possible owners list to prevent a resource from coming online on a particular node. Lastly the preferred owners list can be ordered, to provide an ordered list of failover nodes. Using these tools, the failover of resources can be controlled with in a multinode cluster to provide a controlled balanced failover methodology that balances the increased work load.
Because operating environments differ, the administrator must indicate whether the system will automatically fail the resources (organized by resource groups) back to their original node or will leave the resources failed over, waiting for the resources to be moved back manually.
If the storage system is not set to automatically fail back the resources to their designated owner, the resources must be moved back manually each time a failover occurs.
Restarting one cluster node
Restarting a cluster node should be done only after confirming that the other node(s) in the cluster are functioning normally. Adequate warning should be given to users connected to resources of the node being restarted. Attached connections can be viewed through Server Manager on the storage system Desktop using Terminal Services. From Server Manager, select
File Sharing > Shared Folders > Sessions.
The physical process of restarting one of the nodes of a cluster is the same as restarting a storage system in single node environment. However, additional caution is needed.
Restarting a cluster node causes all cluster resources served by that node to fail over to the other nodes in the cluster based on the failover policy in place. Until the failover process completes, any currently executing read and write operations will fail. Other node(s) in the cluster will be placed under a heavier load by the extra work until the restarted node comes up and the resources are moved back.
Shutting down one cluster node
Shutting down a cluster node must be done only after confirming that the other node(s) in the cluster are functioning normally. Adequate warning should be given to users connected to resources of the node being shutdown.
Shutting down a cluster node causes all cluster resources served by that node to fail over to the other node(s). This causes any currently executing client read and write operations to fail until the cluster failover process completes. The other node(s) are placed under a heavier load by the extra work until the second node is powered up and rejoins the cluster.
Powering down the cluster
The power down process for the storage system cluster is similar to the process for a single node, but with the cluster, extra care must be taken with the storage subsystem and the sequence of the shutdown.
P4000 G2 Unified NAS Gateway User Guide 49