Figure 27 Replace owner on subcontainers and objects
Click OK four times to dismiss the Properties dialog box. Return to the Properties dialog box, select the Security tab, and then click Edit. Select Everyone in the list of groups and user names and then click Remove. Next, click Add and add user1. Select full control for its permissions.
Figure 28 Permissions for NfsTest dialog box
Click OK twice to dismiss the NfsTest Permissionsand Properties dialog boxes.
On the UNIX side, you can now issue the su user1 command, then issue the cd /mnt/nfstest command, and create files in that directory.
You can also access the mounted directory as root. If you want to restrict this, return to the NFS Share Permissions dialog box as shown in Figure 23 on page 61 and clear the Allow root access check box.
P4000 G2 Unified NAS Gateway User Guide 65