Access to NFS shadow copy
Server for NFS periodically polls the system for the arrival or removal of shadow copies and updates the root directory view accordingly. Clients then capture the updated view the next time they issue a directory read on the root of the share.
Recovery of files or folders
There are three common situations that may require recovery of files or folders:
•Accidental file deletion, the most common situation
•Accidental file replacement, which may occur if a user selects Save instead of Save As
•File corruption
It is possible to recover from all of these scenarios by accessing shadow copies. There are separate steps for accessing a file compared to accessing a folder.
Recovering a deleted file or folder
To recover a deleted file or folder within a folder:
1.Access to the folder where the deleted file was stored.
2.Position the cursor over a blank space in the folder. If the cursor hovers over a file, that file is selected.
4.Select the version of the folder that contains the file before it was deleted, and then click View.
5.View the folder and select the file or folder to recover. The view may be navigated multiple folders deep.
6.Click Restore to restore the file or folder to its original location. Click Copy... to allow the placement of the file or folder to a new location.
84 File server management