United Kingdom +44 (0)870 010 4320

West Africa +351 213 17 63 80 (French-speaking countries only)

Other Phone Support Worldwide

HP Customer Support phone numbers and policies may change. Visit the following website to check the details and conditions of phone support in your country/region: www.hp.com/support.

Argentina (54)11-4778-8380 or 0-810-555-5520 Australia +61 (3) 8877 8000 or local (03) 8877 8000 Brazil 0800-157751 or (11)3747-7799

Canada 1-800-474-6836

(905-206-4663 from within local Mississauga calling area)

Chile 800-360-999

China +86 (21) 3881 4518

Colombia 01-800-011-4726

Costa Rica 0-800-011-0524

Guatemala 1800-999 5105 Hong Kong SAR +852 2802 4098 India 1 600 447737

Indonesia +62 (21) 350 3408 Jamaica 0-800-7112884

Japan 0570 000 511 (inside Japan)

+81 3 3335 9800 (outside Japan)


HP Photosmart R707 User’s Manual

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HP R707 manual Other Phone Support Worldwide