MaxLoader User’s Guide
Verification error.
•Count: This number indicates all devices executed successfully and unsuccessfully.
NOTE: This feature is useful for repeat programming on the same device. You can make an estimate time to perform the programming job and see the successful and failed devices after finishing the Program or Auto Repeat programming routine.
NOTE: The feature allows users to program a certain area that might contain a serial number in the memory device with serialized number by a certain value.
Start : Start address of memory that contains serialized data
End : End address of memory
Inc Value : This value will be added to the previous data value
User must click on Auto Increment to program a memory with data increased by one to the previous data.
MaxLoader uses three different file types: BINARY, ALL HEX, and . POF. In the file type box, a file type can be selected and loaded to the buffer or saved onto a disk. The default file type is the Binary file. The All HEX files can be chosen by maneuvering the arrow button. All HEX files include INTEL HEX