Defining VLAN Protocol Based Groups
The VLAN Protocol Groups Page contains information regarding protocol names and the VLAN Ethernet type. Interfaces can be classified as a specific protocol based interface. The classification places the interface into a protocol group. To define protocol based VLANs
1.Click Layer 2 > > VLAN > VLAN Groups >
Figure 46. VLAN Protocol Groups Page
The VLAN Protocol Groups Page contains the following fields:
•Frame Type — Displays the packet type. Possible field values are Ethernet, RFC1042, and LLC Other.
•Protocol Value — Displays the
•Group ID — Displays the ID number assigned to frames containing specified protocol value. The possible field range is 1 - 2147483647.
. The Add Protocol-based Groups Page opens:
Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Switch AXXSW1GB User Guide | 61 |