To enable storm control:
1.Click Network Security > Traffic Control > Storm Control. The Storm Control Page opens.
Figure 9. Storm Control Page
The Storm Control Page contains the following fields:
•Port — Indicates the port from which storm control is enabled.
•Enable Broadcast Control — Indicates if forwarding Broadcast packet types is enabled/disabled on the interface. The possible field values are:
—Enable — Enables storm control on the selected port.
—Disable — Disables storm control on the selected port.
•Broadcast Rate Threshold — Indicates the maximum rate (kilobits per second) at which packets are forwarded. The range is 3,500 - 1,000,000. The default value is 3,500.
•Broadcast Mode — Specifies the Broadcast mode currently enabled on the port. The possible field values are:
—Broadcast, Multicast, & Unknown Unicast — Counts Broadcast, Multicast, and Unicast traffic.
—Multicast & Broadcast — Counts Broadcast and Multicast traffic together.
—Broadcast Only — Counts only Broadcast traffic.
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