Viewing Etherlike Statistics
The Etherlike Statistics Page contains interface statistics.
To view Etherlike Statistics:
1.Click Statistics/RMON > Interfaces Statistics > Etherlike. The Etherlike Statistics Page opens.
Figure 104. Etherlike Statistics Page
The Etherlike Statistics Page contains the following fields:
•Interface — Indicates the device for which statistics are displayed. The possible field values are:
—Port — Defines the specific port for which Etherlike statistics are displayed.
—LAG — Defines the specific LAG for which Etherlike statistics are displayed.
•Refresh Rate — Defines the amount of time that passes before the etherlike statistics are refreshed. The possible field values are:
•Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Errors — Displays the number of FCS errors received on the selected interface.
•Single Collision Frames — Displays the number of single collision frames received on the selected interface.
146 | Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Switch AXXSW1GB User Guide |