Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer
82 751G Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual

Call this function to get the MAC address of the 802.11b/g radio. Call

RadioConnect() before calling this function for this function to work properly.


Call this function to get the current Network Mode (SSID) for the

802.11b/g radio.

Syntax UINT GetMac( TCHAR * );
Parameters Pointer to a character array, which is populated with the MAC address
after a successful call.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the
query failed, or ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the
radio failed.
Remarks If ERROR_SUCCESS is returned, your TCHAR array is populated with
the formatted MAC address of the adapter, as follows: xx-xx-xx-xx-
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_GetMac)(TCHAR *);
Syntax UINT GetNetworkMode( ULONG & );
Parameters NDIS_NET_MODE_IBSS 802.11b/g Ad–Hoc Mode.
NDIS_NET_MODE_ESS 802.11b/g Infrastructure Mode.
NDIS_NET_MODE_UNKNOWN Anything Else/Unknown Error
NDIS_NET_AUTO_UNKNOWN Automatic Selection. Use of this option is not supported or
NDIS_NET_TYPE_OFDM_5G 5 Gigahertz 54 Mbps
NDIS_NET_TYPE_OFDM_2_4G 802.11b/g 2.4 Gigahertz
Return Values ERROR_ SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio failed.
Remarks If ERROR_SUCCESS is returned, your ULONG reference is populated with one of the parameters
listed above.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_GetNetworkMode)(ULONG &);
UINT GetNetworkMode(ULONG &);