1-63August 9, 2005
Kaaaw sk
ERROR CODE E0118 Too many subroutine calls.
Occurs when more than 20 subroutines are nested with EXTCALL or CALL instructions.
Do not exceed 20 nested subroutines.
ERROR CODE E0119 Nonexistent subroutine.
Displayed when the program specified by a CALL, ON, or ONI instruction does not exist.
Select only existing programs to be run as subroutines.
ERROR CODE E0903 Check sum error of system data.
The check sum of the system data of the AS software is changed when the system
information such as model number, number of axes, and option setting is downloaded.
When the error occurs in situations other than software download, the error is caused by
defective memory battery back-up, defective 1KA board, or memory error from noise.
Use AUX 0803 Clear Check Sum Error or CHSUM command to reset the data. When
the error cannot be reset using the check sum commands, the command with the
abnormality is shown. Rewrite the command and use CHSUM or AUX 0803 to clear
the error.
Check the memory backup battery. Replace if necessary.
Replace the 1KA board if the error recurs.
A robot data sheet is supplied with each robot. The ro-
bot data sheet contains a list of factory settings and can
be used to reenter orignal factory settings. If system
data or options change the robot data sheet should be
updated to provide correct robot information when
ERROR CODE E1000 ADC channel error.
This error occurs when an A/D converter channel number other than 1–8 is used.
Ensure the correct A/D converter channel number is used (1–8).