01: Delay/Reverb
i: Spread | These parameters set the width of the stereo image of the effect sound. The wid- |
i: Spread Control | est image can be obtained with a value of 30. With a value of 0, the effect sound |
| will be output from the center. |
| When the Spread control = Delay, you can control the width of the stereo image |
| of the delay output only. In this case, the width of the reverb stereo image is set |
| to maximum. |
| When the Spread control = Reverb, you can control the width of the stereo |
| image of the reverb output only. In this case, the width of the delay stereo image |
| is set to maximum. |
| When the Spread control = Both, you can control the width of the stereo image |
| of both the delay and reverb outputs. |