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QWhat are CableLabs Certified, DOCSIS and EuroDOCSIS?
ACableLabs® Certified™, DOCSIS™, and EuroDOCSIS™ are the industry standards for
QWhat is PacketCable?
APacketCable™ is an evolving set of interface specifications for delivering advanced,
QIf I have a Communications Gateway, can I still use my old 28.8 Kbps or 56 Kbps modem?
AYes! Although once you experience the speed of cable Internet access, you will never again want to wait for traditional
QI have more than one computer. Do I need more than one Motorola Communications Gateway?
ANo, not if your computers are connected on a network. The Motorola Communications Gateway supports current Internet connection sharing technologies to enable you to connect up to 32 PCs to the Internet using a single Communications Gateway.
QDo I need to change my Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
ACurrently, most Internet Service Providers do not provide cable Internet access. Contact your cable company for your specific information.
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