6-16 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Programming Model
6.3.4 Emulation Chip-Select Register
In addition to the eight general-purpose chip-select signals, the MC68VZ328 has an emulation chip-select
register (EMUCS) that is specifically designed for the in-circuit emulation module. This register provides
wait states 12–0, depending on the type of chip used. External logic (DTACK) may also be used to have
longer wait states. EMUCS is only valid for the 0xFFFC0000–0xFFFDFFFF memory location.

EMUCS Emulation Chip-Select Register 0x(FF)FFF118

6.3.5 Chip-Select Control Register 1
The chip-select control register 1 (CSCTRL1) is one of three registers that provide features to control a
wide variety of different memory types. The CSCTRL1 register provides supplemental memory-control
features for chip-select logic. Control features include 16-bit SRAM support , exte nded size for unp rotected
memory space, and extended size for DRAM. See the following register display and Table6-12 on
page 6-17.
15 1413121110987654321
TYPE rw rw rw
RESET 0000000001100000
Table 6-11. Emulation Chip-Select Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 15–7 Reserved These bits are reserved and should be set to 0.
Bits 6–4 Wait State—This field contains the 3 most
significant bits of the 4-bit wait-state value.
The least significant bit is located in the
chip-select control register 1. The value of
these 4 bits determines the number of wait
states added to a bus cycle before an internal
DTACK is asserted to terminate the
chip-select cycle.
000 = 0 +WS0 wait states.
001 = 2 +WS0 wait states.
010 = 4 +WS0 wait states.
011 = 6 +WS0 wait states.
100 = 8 +WS0 wait states.
101 = 10+ WS0 wait states.
110 = 12+ WS0 wait states.
111 = External DTACK.
When using the external DTACK signal, you
must select DTACK function in Port G.
WS0 is the EWS0 bit in the CSCTRL1 register.
Bits 3–0 Reserved These bits are reserved and should be set to 0.