8-16 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Programming Model
8.3.10 LCD Polarity Configuration Register

The LCD polarity configuration (LPOLCF) register controls the polarity of the interface signal that goe s to

the LCD panel. The bit assignments for the register are shown in the following register display. The

settings for the bits in the register are listed in Table8-11.

LPOLCF LCD Polarity Configuration Register 0x(FF)FFFA21

8.3.11 LACD Rate Control Register

The LCD alternate crystal direction rate control (LACDRC) register is used to con trol the a lter nate r ates of

the liquid crystal direction. The bit assignments for th e reg ister are sho wn in t he fo ll owing r egist er di splay .

The settings for the bits in the register are listed in Table8-12 on page 8-17.

BIT 7654321BIT 0
TYPE rw rw rw rw
RESET 00000000
Table 8-11. LCD Polarity Configuration Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–4 Reserved These bits are reserved and should
be set to 0.
Bit 3 LCD Shift Clock Polarity—This bit controls the polarity of the
active edge of the LCD shift clock. 0 = Active negative edge of LCLK.
1 = Active positive edge of LCLK.
Bit 2 Frame Marker Polarity—This bit controls the polarity of the
frame marker. 0 = Frame marker is active high.
1 = Frame marker is active low.
Bit 1 Line Pulse Polarity—This bit controls the polarity of the line
pulse. 0 = Line pulse is active high.
1 = Line pulse is active low.
Bit 0 Pixel Polarity—This bit controls the polarity of the pixels. 0 = Pixel polarity is active high.
1 = Pixel polarity is active low.