11-6 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Programming Model
11.2.2 RTC Day Count Register
The real-time clock day count register (DAYR) contains the data from the day counter. The maximum
value of DAYR is 512. When the hours counter in RTCTIME reaches 23, the next time increment resets it
to 00 and increments the day counter. This register can be read or written at any time. After a write, the
current day assumes the new value. This register cannot be reset since it is used to keep the time. The
settings for the DAYR register are described in Table11-3.

DAYR RTC Day Counter Register 0x(ff)FFFB1A

15 1413121110987654321
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 0000000?????????
Table 11-3. RTC Day Counter Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 15–9 Reserved These bits are reserved and should be set to
Bits 8–0 Days—This field indicates the current setting
of the day. The bits can be set to any value between 0
and 511.