Programming Model
System Control 5-5
5.2.3 ID Register
This 32-bit read-only register shows the chip identification. The bi t as signments for the register are shown
in the following register display. The settin g s for the bits in the register are listed in Table 5-3.

IDR ID Register 0x(FF)FFF004

BIT 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 BIT 16
TYPE r r r r r r rrrrrrrrrr
RESET 0 1 0 1 0 1 1000000000
BIT 1514 13 12 11 10 987654321BIT 0
TYPE r r r r r r rrrrrrrrrr
RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000
Table 5-3. ID Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 31–24 Chip ID Field—This field contains the chip identification number for the
DragonBall series MPU. See description
Bits 23–16 Maskset ID Field—This field contains the maskset number for the silicon. See description
Bits 15–0 Software ID—This field contains the custom software ID. It is normally “0000.” See description