5-4 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Programming Model
5.2.2 Peripheral Control Register

This register controls the PWM logical block operation, timer TIN/TOUT signal, and UART UCLK

signal. The bit assignments for the register are shown in the following register display. The settings for the

bits in the register are listed in Table5-2.

PCR Peripheral Control Register 0x(FF)FFF003

BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BIT 0
UCLK P[1:0] T[1:0]
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 000 0 0000
Table 5-2. Peripheral Control Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–5 Reserved Do not use these bits.
Bit 4 UART Clock Pin Configuration—When UCLK
of UART 1 and UART 2 is configured to output
signal, this bit selects UART 1’s or UART 2’s
UCLK for UCLK pin output. When UCLK of
UART1 and UART 2 is configured as input, this
bit is “don’t care,” and UCLK pin is an input signal.
0 = UCLK pin is connected to UART 1.
1 = UCLK pin is connected to UART 2.
Bits 3–2 PWM Outputs Logic Operation—These bits
select the logical combination for final PWM pin
00 = 8-bit PWM out only (default).
01 = 16-bit PWM out only.
10 = Logic OR of both PWM outputs.
11 = Logic AND of both PWM outputs.
Bits 1–0 TIN/TOUT Signal Configuration—These 2 bits
are used to configure the external TIN/TOUT sig-
nal when pin PB6/TIN/TOUT is selected as
TIN/TOUT function. For detailed information on
using this function, see Section12.1.4,
“TOUT/TIN/PB6 Pin,” on page12-3.
00 = TIN/TOUT is connected to Timer 1.
01 = TIN/TOUT is connected to Timer 2.
10 = Timer 2 OUT -> Timer 1 IN; TIN -> Timer 2
(DIR6 = 0), or TOUT -> Timer 1 (DIR6 = 1).
11 = Timer 1 OUT -> Timer 2 IN; TIN -> Timer 1
(DIR6 = 0), or TOUT -> Timer 2 (DIR6 = 1).