Introduction 1-7

Table 1-2. Instruction Set

Mnemonic Description Mnemonic Description
ABCD Add decimal with extend MOVEM Move multiple registers
ADD Add MOVEP Move peripheral data
ADDA Add address MOVEQ Move quick
ADDQ Add quick MOVE from SR Move from status register
ADDI Add immediate MOVE to SR Move to status register
ADDX Add with extend MOVE to CCR Move to condition codes
AND Logical AND MOVE USP Move user stack pointer
ANDI AND immediate MULS Signed multiply
ANDI to CCR AND immediate to condition codes MULU Unsigned multiply
ANDI to SR AND immediate to status register NBCD Negate decimal with extend
ASL Arithmetic shift left NEG Negate
ASR Arithmetic shift right NEGX Negate with extend
Bcc Branch conditionally NOP No operation
BCHG Bit test and change NOT One’s-complement
BCLR Bit test and clear OR Logical OR
BRA Branch always ORI OR immediate
BSET Bit test and set ORI to CCR OR immediate to condition codes
BSR Branch to subroutine ORI to SR OR immediate to status register
BTST Bit test PEA Push effective address
CHK Check register against bounds RESET Reset external devices
CLR Clear operand ROL Rotate left without extend
CMP Compare ROR Rotate right without extend
CMPA Compare address ROXL Rotate left with extend
CMPM Compare memory ROXR Rotate right with extend
CMPI Compare immediate RTE Return from exception
DBcc Test conditionally, decrement, and branch RTR Return and restore
DIVS Signed divide RTS Return from subroutine
DIVU Unsigned divide SBCD Subtract decimal with extend
EOR Exclusive OR Scc Set conditional